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The most common cancers

Nuclear medicine therapy

Radiation therapy technology

Other advanced technologies in medicine



Cancer Incidence

High technology diagnostic imaging, surgical or radiation therapy equipment are vital modes used for curing cancer patients.

As reported by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, “cancer is a major cause of illness in Australia and has substantial social and economic impact on individuals, families and community “(19% of the total disease burden).

To illustrate the magnitude of this cancer burden, Australia had a population of 25.7 million people living in Australia in 2020, 145,483 cancers were diagnosed (76,729 male and 68754 female) and there were an estimated 48,099 (26,938 male and 21,161 female) deaths in the same year.

But despite the high incidence of cancer, it’s worth noting that modern healthcare has achieved an average 70% 5-year survival for all cancers treated.

Cancer Care

This section provides some in-depth technical information for anyone interested (or involved) in cancer treatment technology. The information focuses on the three most common cancers (breast, lung and prostate) but it’s relevant to other cancer treatments.

The articles are intended to assist patients, family and the community. The material is pitched to a reasonable depth but easy to read and understand. To help the reader, the depth of technical detail in the articles is graded as suitable for:

  • Patients;
  • Patient and Health Professionals; or
  • Health Professionals


The most common cancers

Patient Information

Cancer Patient Experiences

Breast Cancer

Lung Cancer

Prostate Cancer


Nuclear medicine therapy (Theranostics)

Better Detection and Treatment of Cancer Spread

From Evolution to a Brave New World

Therapy for Prostate Cancer


Radiation therapy technology

Better Treatment Methods


Better Treatment Outcomes

External beam radiation therapy (EBRT)

Radiotherapy: Megavoltage Linear Accelerator Treatment

# Model Linac (for children receiving radiotherapy)

Biomarkers: Key Players in Personalised Radiotherapy

Megavoltage X-ray beam techniques

Radiotherapy: Basics and Complexities for lung cancer

Radiotherapy: X-Ray Beam Targeting

Machine Learning and Synthetic Data in Radiation Oncology

New Radiotherapy Targeting Techniques

What is Stereotactic Radiotherapy?

SABR: A New Force in Local Ablative Cancer Treatment?

SABR for treatment of ventricular tachycardia

3D Printing for Radiotherapy

Therapy using a radioactive source (Brachytherapy)

Prostate Brachytherapy


Other advanced technology articles in medicine

Biomedical engineering, biophysics, and basic physics principles are applied in all forms of clinical and surgical medicine. Whether it be cardiology, neurology, pulmonary physiology, rehabilitation medicine or the surgical departments of orthopaedics, urology, neurosurgery, gastroenterology or the like – there has been a significant contribution of physics and engineering expertise. It’s there to see and it’s there to work on tomorrow’s techniques today…………...Read More

Articles: Health Professional Research and Development


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