What is Medical Ultrasound?

Medical ultrasound falls into two distinct categories: diagnostic and therapeutic. This issue explains how the ultrasound technique works as a non-invasive medical imaging or treatment tool for a wide range of clinical and surgical applications…………..Read more…

Foetal Ultrasound Imaging: A New Idea?

Breaking News: In a recent article published, it reported on a 2018 startup proposal. The engineer interviewed, Jonathan Rothberg, refers to the work of David Robinson and George Kossof’s world-first in 1961. That past major invention by Robinson and Kossof may possibly be reinvented and become a future life changing, innovative device called Read more…

Our Pioneers: Jack Jellins AM PhD (Hon) MD

  Pioneer in Ultrasonic Imaging Jack Jellins is a name familiar to members of the Australian ultrasound community especially to those approaching retirement age as Jack’s contributions were in the early days when this imaging technology was evolving………. See more…..  

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear imaging, also called molecular imaging, includes positron emission computed tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. This section includes radiopharmaceuticals and tracers, PET-CT, SPECT-CT, and PET-MRI news and new technology innovations for nuclear and molecular imaging agents, radiotracers and radiopharmaceuticals.