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In a recent article published, it reported on a 2018 startup proposal. The engineer interviewed, Jonathan Rothberg, refers to the work of David Robinson and George Kossof’s world-first in 1961. That past major invention by Robinson and Kossof may possibly be reinvented and become a future life changing, innovative device called the Butterfly IQ.

The Butterfly IQ is a portable ultrasound unit connected to a smart phone. How is this possible? Well, read about it below. Make sure you watch the video and learn about the potential for this device.

Click on ⇒:     smart phone used domestically.

1 Comment

Lyn Oliver

Lyn Oliver · December 13, 2018 at 10:03 am

If Rothberg’s smart phone device can reliably work, including artificial intelligent imaging of the foetal or other organ signals, then this would certainly be a cheap useful device in remote, poorly equipped countries (e.g. remote parts of Asian, Middle East and African countries) where nothing else is available. Does anyone know about these ‘tiny vibrating drums, known as capacitive micro-machined ultrasound transducers (CMUT) that the article describes?

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